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Drew Sullivan

Drew Sullivan is an investigative journalist who has worked for almost a decade in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. He founded the Center for Investigative Reporting in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2004 and served as its editor and first director. He co-founded and…

Tina Pimentel

Tina Pimentel is the national coordinator for Bantay Kita.  

Portrait of Paula Martins

Paula Martins

Paula Martins is ARTICLE 19's Director for Brazil and South America. Before joining ARTICLE 19, Paula worked with Human Rights Watch as a researcher on Angola, and as a focal point on housing rights with the Office of the High…

Lucia Bernátová

Lucia Bernátová works at the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak republic for the Development of the Civil Society which is an organization in charge of coordination OGP in Slovak republic. She took over the OGP…

Xenia Hernández Castro

Xenia Hernández Castro, abogada del Centro de Asesoría legal Anti-corrupción de El Salvador (ALAC) que forma parte de FUNDE Capitulo Nacional de Transparencia Internacional. Coordinadora en el esfuerzo de OGP dentro de la FUNDE y con responsabilidades de litigio institucional. …

Kristina Reinsalu

Dr. Kristina Reinsalu, head of e-Democracy domain at the e-Governance Academy (Estonia). She has been involved in several local and international research and practical projects related to open governance and the use of ICT in implementing its principles, focusing in…

Jelizaveta Krenjova-Cepilova

Dr. Jelizaveta Krenjova-Cepilova, expert of e-Democracy domain at the e-Governance Academy (Estonia). Jelizaveta was previously managing a long-term local government project in Ukraine that focused on the strategic support to e-governance development and on the implementation of technical e-government e-solutions.…

Portrait of Julia Brothers

Julia Brothers

Julia Brothers is the Senior Program Manager for Elections and Deputy Director of the Open Election Data Initiative at the National Democratic Institute (NDI). She has over 14 years of experience supporting democratic institutions at home and abroad. Ms. Brothers…

Portrait of Giulio Carini

Giulio Carini

Giulio Carini is a campaigner and the head of educational projects at Riparte il futuro.

Portrait of Catalina Uribe Burcher

Catalina Uribe Burcher

Catalina is a Senior Programme Officer at International IDEA. Her work focuses on research and policy-oriented analysis regarding political finance, corruption and conflict. Catalina has written extensively about these topics, most recently two chapters for International IDEA’s 2017 ‘Global State…

Open Government Partnership