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Synergies Between the Escazú Agreement and Open Government to Strengthen Environmental Democracy in the Americas

Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are committed to the implementation of open government policies to strengthen transparency in public administration, access to information, accountability, participation, and collaboration among governments, civil society and the private sector. The UN’s Economic…

Water Governance-El Salvador

Going Further Hand in Hand: Launching the OGP Water and Sanitation Community of Practice

Read how this Community of Practice seeks to tackle today's most pressing water challenges through transparency, accountability and inclusion.


Faces of Open Government: Suneeta Kaimal

Meet Suneeta Kaimal, an advocate for the protection of civic space and natural resource governance.


Seeking Civil Society Perspectives on Multi-Stakeholder Forums

A key focus of the Government of Canada’s and Nathaniel Hellers 2018-2019 Co-Chair Vision for the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is participation and improving co-creation between government and civil society. The importance of co-creation was highlighted during the 2019 OGP…

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Five Ways to Explore the Toolkit and Case Navigator for Open Government

Reformers inside and outside governments across the world face all sorts of different challenges. And no two challenges are the same. Yet, I am asked the same question during almost every OECD open government mission: Where can we find inspirational…

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An Open Regulation to Protect Our Democracies

How can we protect our democracies, our public spaces and our institutions in the digital era? How can we ensure that digital technologies have a positive impact on democracy? Which safeguards should we put in place to build citizen’s trust…


Youth Power in Open Government

Young people now represent 41% of the global population, yet young people are rarely brought meaningfully into policy processes that affect their lives..

Open Government Partnership