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Maya Adulamy

Maya Adulamy Point of Contact for Israel

Chanan Weissman

Chanan Weissman Special Advisor, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, State Department

Portrait of Gabriela Ayerdi

Gabriela Ayerdi

Gabriela Ayerdi graduated from the Juridical and Social Sciences Faculty of the Rafael Landívar University, with additional training in seminars on The Right of Access to Public Information, courses of Social Audit Tools, Gender and Social Inclusion, and Open Government.…

Portrait of Delaine McCullough

Delaine McCullough

Delaine McCullough joined the International Budget Partnership (IBP) in June 2008 as communications manager. She oversees the IBP’s print and electronic communications and media relations. Before coming to  IBP, McCullough was the director of marketing and communications for PDK International,…

Portrait of Aisha Khan

Aisha Khan

Aisha Khan is the Executive Director for Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change (CSCCC) and CEO of Mountain and Glacier Organization (MGPO) with responsibilities for management, policy planning, government relations, advocacy, capacity building and sustainability of programmatic activities at the…

Brice Böhmer

Mr Brice Böhmer leads Transparency International’s work on climate governance integrity. Brice joined TI in 2012, after seven years spent working as a consultant on sustainable development for the European Commission, environmental ministries, and the private sector. His role includes…

Open Government Partnership