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Colombia, hacia un Estado Abierto

Desde 2010, los mensajes por parte del Gobierno de asentar bases institucionales que aseguren transparencia, acceso a la información pública y rendición de cuentas, han sido claros y concisos. Tanto en el ámbito interno –por medio de decretos, leyes y…

OGP – A Historic Opportunity in Today’s Geo-political Context

Remarks at UNGA High-Level Event, “Rebuilding Trust in Government” Excellencies, OGP Leaders, We meet at a time when democracy is under threat in many parts of the world, civic freedoms are under attack in over 100 countries, authoritarianism is on…

OGP on the Fight to Win Back Trust

The regency of Bojonegoro in East Java, Indonesia, was long known as a poor district.  Through public dialogues, transparent budgets and contracts, harnessing data, and improving public services, the community has transformed. Thanks to these open government efforts, Bojonegoro has…

Research on Trust

Trust and Public Policy: How Better Governance Can Help Rebuild Public Trust Trust plays a very tangible role in the effectiveness of government. Few perceptions are more palpable than that of trust or its absence. Governments ignore this at their…

Investigación sobre la confianza

Desarrollo sin Conflicto: Argumentos a favor del consentimiento de la comunidad En este informe se analiza la premisa que el consentimiento informado de las comunidades que son afectadas por los proyectos de desarrollo, tanto públicos como privados, tiene beneficios para…

The Business of Trust: How Companies Can Build Credibility

The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer revealed the largest-ever drop in trust amongst four cornerstone global institutions: business, government, NGOs and the media. In the 28 countries surveyed, trust in all four institutions combined fell below 50%. CEOs suffered the biggest…

Open Government Partnership