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Munyema Hasan

Munyema leads the Learning & Innovation program where she oversees OGP's external and organizational learning. She is responsible for designing advanced learning approaches and strategically delivering learning programs in close collaboration with the OGP country support team and with OGP…

Jesse Franzblau

Jesse Franzblau is a policy analyst working to promote government openness through the use of access to information laws. He's worked on freedom of information campaigns and human rights documentation efforts with with the National Security Archive, and is currently…

Cesar Cruz-Rubio

Cesar Nicandro Cruz-Rubio

César N. Cruz-Rubio is an associate professor at the University Carlos III of Madrid and a senior researcher and president of GIGAPP (government, administration, and public policy) Ibero-American Research Network. He has a BA in political science and public administration…

Portrait of Jason Hare

Jason Hare

18 years experience analyzing user behavior interacting with web applications. Experience includes developing user interfaces using rapid prototyping and an iterative project management style to create award winning, user-centered information portals. Primary interests include open data, service oriented architecture, data…

Shushan Doydoyan

Shushan Doydoyan has been the founder of the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia since 2001. Ms. Doydoyan is a FOI activist who initiated and promoted the adoption of the Republic of Armenia (RA) law on “Freedom of Information.” in…

Corinna Zarek

Point of Contact for the United States Senior Advisor for Open Government White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Open Government Partnership