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BS fotka – Bojana Selaković

Bojana Selakovic

Bojana Selakovic is currently Board member of Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) and Program Director of Civic Initiatives, founded 1996 in order to promote and strengthen civic education and citizens’ participation in Serbia. Prior to that, she has been working as a Manager of Public Policy Program since 2013. She has been active in the civil sector since 2001, with minor pauses as an activist, volunteer and expert. She has initiated and participated in several dozen campaigns for raising awareness and public advocacy on the national and local level, large number of projects and initiatives oriented towards enhancing activism of the citizens, as well as those entities that provide direct help and assistance to vulnerable social groups. Besides that, she has been very active in establishing civil CSOs and networks and fostering their growth and effectiveness. Also, very well experienced in independent monitoring and shadow-reporting in the area of state – CSOs and citizens relations. She was Co-Author of 6 annual reports on enabling environment for civil society development in Serbia based on Monitoring Matrix Methodology as well as 3 independent monitoring reports of the Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries 2014-2020. Member of inter-sectorial working group for Open Government Partnership in Serbia since 2016.

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OGP Goes Local with a Push from CSOs – Serbia

My first recollection of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Serbia is of a meeting held in late 2013 on the premises of what was then called the Ministry of State Administration (now the Ministry of Public Administration and Local…

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