Citizen Feedback App
Kaduna State, Nigeria
This team was selected to be a part of the 2020-2021 Leaders Network. Learn more about the program here.
The Department of Monitoring and Evaluation in the Planning and Budget Commission of Kaduna State and FollowTaxes are working on a citizen-led budget monitoring initiative designed to track federally funded projects through the Kaduna Citizen Feedback App, housed under the Eyes and Ears project. This has empowered citizens to become the eyes and ears of the government to oversee public spending.
The aim of this reform is to ensure that basic information on government activities and services is readily available to citizens, in order to empower them to make informed decisions about their lives or provide them the basis for challenging retrogressive policies. This may include (but is not limited to): giving citizens a voice in governance and making the government more responsive to their priorities, building mutual trust and confidence between government and citizens, and including all members of the society including people living with disabilities and to promote improved service delivery.
This reform was included in the 2018-2020 Kaduna State, Nigeria OGP Action Plan.