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Dewi Barnas

Senior Regional Coordinator, Asia-Pacific

Dewi coordinates the OGP support unit in the Asia-Pacific, working with governments and civil societies in Indonesia, The Philippines, Timor Leste, Mongolia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and Papua New Guinea.

Prior to joining OGP, Dewi was a Senior Policy Advisor at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Indonesia, where she coordinated the Democracy Cluster and managed the human rights, rule of law, and civic space portfolio. Before that, she worked in various international relations & international development roles in Indonesia and South Korea – including with the Swiss and Korean governments.

Dewi studied International Relations at the University of Indonesia. She was a recipient of the Korean Government Scholarship Program, and completed her masters in International Development Cooperation at Korea University. An avid language-learner, Dewi was also a TED Translator/Language Coordinator in her free time.

Open Government Partnership