Lauren Howard
Outreach and Engagement Specialist, Open Government, Government of Canada
Lauren Howard is the Outreach and Engagement Specialist for Open Government at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. In her role she leads the Multi-stakeholder Forum on Open Government Secretariat as well as the Inclusive Open Government file. She strongly believes that enabling public engagement with existing and new voices from different perspectives, regions and sectors is a necessary component of an open government. Lauren is a member of the Government of Canada’s Public Engagement Community of Practice as well as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Innovative Citizen Participation network. She has previously worked in the area of open government at Employment and Social Development Canada and has stakeholder engagement experience in both private and not-for-profit organizations. Lauren has a master’s degree in communication from Carleton University where she did her research on the ways in which online participatory budgeting software identifies and communicates the values of civic participation. You can find her on Twitter at @lo_how.
Lauren is also a member of the OGP Practice Group on Dialogue and Deliberation.