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María José Tejero

María José Tejero

Project Coordinator, Ciudadan@s por la Transparencia (CxT)

María José Tejero Gómez, born in Cancún, Quintana Roo, has a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and a Master’s Degree in Project Management from the Universidad del Caribe. She is a project coordinator at Ciudadan@s por la Transparencia where she manages anti-corruption and citizen participation projects. In 2024, she received the Quintana Roo State Youth Award.

Authored Content

Quintana Roo youth engagement workshop

Five Recommendations to Connect Youth with Public Institutions in Quintana Roo

As part of its OGP action plan in 2022, the government of the state of Quintana Roo, CxT, and UnidosMX co-created and implemented a protocol to integrate youth into political life and government decision-making.

Open Government Partnership