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Portrait of Patrice McDermott

Patrice McDermott

Patrice McDermott has led the coalition,, since July 2006. She previously served as the Deputy Director of the Office of Government Relations at the American Library Association Washington Office, where she had lead responsibility for government information and privacy…

Portrait of Patrick Lim

Patrick Lim

Patrick Lim is the Director of the Reforms and Innovations Unit, Department of Budget and Management of the government of the Philippines.

Portrait of Prasetya Dwicahya

Prasetya Dwicahya

Prasetya Dwicahya is currently working as a Research Assistant at The World Bank. He assists Government of Indonesia to implement Open Data Policy, provides workshops for officials and civil society organizations on Open Data Topics, and facilitates the development of…

Qinisile Delwa

Point of Contact for South Africa Department of Public Service and Administration

Portrait of Rafael Valenzuela

Rafael Valenzuela

Rafael Valenzuela is an Associate Professor, Social Science and Public Administration Institute Autonomous of Juarez City (Mexico). He obtains a PhD in Public Policy from the Graduate School of Administration and Public Policy (EGAP) of the Monterrey Institute Technology (ITESM).…

Portrait of Renata Abreu

Renata Abreu

International Analyst. Bachelor in International Relations, and post graduated in International Relations at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV). Member of the Brazilian Association of International Relations (ABRI). Worked as an Independent researcher for the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA). Currently…

Portrait of Richard Sambrook

Richard Sambrook

Richard Sambrook is Professor of Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism which undertakes postgraduate vocational training. He is a former Director of Global News at the BBC where he worked as a journalist for 30 years as a…

melanie_robert_0 – Natalia Little

Mélanie Robert

Melanie Robert, Executive Director, Open Government, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) leads the Government of Canada’s efforts to be more open, transparent and accountable. She is also the Open Government Partnership’s Point of Contact for the Government of Canada.…

Portrait of Murray Petrie

Murray Petrie

Murray Petrie is Lead Technical Advisor to the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency, and leads GIFT’s work on fiscal transparency in the OGP, and the development of a new norm on public participation in fiscal policy. Murray helped draft the…

Open Government Partnership