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Blair McQueen

Blair is responsible for the curation of digital content across OGP's social media channels, website, blog, newsletter, and the OGP storytelling platform. Prior to joining the Open Government Partnership, Blair worked as a Marketing and Communications Associate for MENTOR Maryland…

Paul Chaffey

Paul Chaffey

Paul Chaffey is a former state secretary in the ministry of Local Government and Modernisation in Norway 2013-2021. His main responsibilities were public sector innovation and digitalization, government reform, public-private partnerships, sharing data, building digital ecosystems and designing and linking…

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Tamara Laznik

Tamara is a lawyer at the University of Buenos Aires, with a Master's Degree in Administration and Public Policies from the University of San Andrés. She currently works as a manager of Institutional Articulation in the Undersecretariat for Open Government…

Martina’s pic

Martina Barbero

Martina Barbero works on advancing the Global Partnership’s policy work concerning public use of privately held data, data sharing platforms and data governance. She focuses in particular on supporting more effective data sharing between public and private sector and within…

Kate Richards photo

Kate Richards

Kate Richards is the Global Partnership’s Advocacy Manager, working across data policy issues and leading outreach for the Inclusive Data Charter -- an initiative that catalyzes action and collaboration around disaggregated and inclusive data. Kate previously worked at Dalberg and…

Siti Juliantari

Siti Juliantari Rachman

Siti Juliantari Rachman has been advocating for the anti corruption movement with Indonesia Corruption Watch since 2012 - an anti corruption watchdog consistently listed in the Global Go To Think Thank Index. As a research-driven activist, she has been involved…

Tamara Bakuzis

Tamara is the Finance and Control Auditor at the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) of Brazil. She graduated in Social Communication and worked as a journalist and press officer before joining the public service. At the CGU, she worked…

Snjezana Bokulic

Snježana Bokulić

Snježana Bokulić is a human rights lawyer with more than 20 years of experience in the human rights, security, and development sectors with international non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations across five continents. She currently serves as the presiding member of the…

Rocio Moreno

Rocio Moreno Lopez

Rocio joined Accountable Now in January 2018 as its executive director. Rocio has 19+ years of experience in the CSO sector where she has worked on advancing transparency and accountability in different areas: budgets, extractive industries, health, and poverty reduction…

Open Government Partnership