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Sandra Pernar

Sandra joined the Open Government Partnership in April 2018. She provides guidance and assistance to governments in Europe, primarily in Southern and Eastern Europe, facilities exchange and learning between governments, as well as support to civil society organizations in these…

Portrait of Liviana Zorzi

Liviana Zorzi

Liviana Zorzi is Programme Officer on Anti- corruption, Gender and Inclusion in Peacebuilding at the UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub. She provides support to country offices in the Asia Pacific region by providing access to knowledge, building partnerships and promoting regional…

Portrait of Rachel Ostrow

Rachel Ostrow

Rachel joined the Open Government Partnership in May 2016 as a Communications Officer. Before that, she was a Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellow in Kazakhstan, working with local NGOs and universities on economic issues facing women entrepreneurs. She also served in…

Portrait of Nicole Anand

Nicole Anand

Nicole Anand is the Associate Director of Strategy at Reboot, a social impact firm dedicated to inclusive development and accountable governance. A specialist in open governance, Nicole is currently leading Reboot’s technical co-creation support to OGP subnational pilots. Nicole has deep cross-sector experience…

Portrait of Emily Shaw

Emily Shaw

Emily Shaw is a Senior Analyst at the Sunlight Foundation, where she helps the organization lead the charge to make useful public information available online. Emily writes and speaks regularly on topics related to public data access. She has presented…

Maggie Murphy

Maggie Murphy is Global Outreach, Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator at Transparency International.

Alan Hudson

Alan Hudson is Executive Director of  Global Integrity.

Sarah Welsh

Sarah Welsh works to support transparency and accountability initiatives worldwide for the National Democratic Institute. Prior to joining NDI, she was executive director of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government, and she has also served time as an investigative…

Open Government Partnership