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Portrait of Nighat Dad

Nighat Dad

Nighat Dad is a Director of Digital Rights Foundation, Pakistan. Digital Rights Foundation is a research based advocacy not-for-profit organization focusing on ICTs to support human rights, democratic processes and digital governance. Nighat Dad is also an independent development consultant, a researcher and a professional…


Sebastian Haselbeck

Sebastian Haselbeck is the OGP Point of Contact at the Federal Chancellery.

Portrait of Ahmad Faisol

Ahmad Faisol

Ahmad Faisol, OGP shadow report researcher, is Executive Director of MediaLink in Jakarta, Indonesia. Faisol is one of the researchers who worked on a shadow report about Indonesia's involvement in the Open Government Partnership. He has been active in freedom of information movements…


Blair Glencorse

Blair Glencorse is Co-CEO of the Accountability Lab - which makes governance work for people around the world. Blair and his team have done everything from building large-scale socially conscious music campaigns in Nigeria; to monitoring and improving public services…

Irina Tișacova

Irina Tisacova has been leading the e-Government Center’s Open Government agenda since August 2011 and is the program manager for, Moldova’s Open Government Data Portal. Irina holds a Bachelor degree from The George Washington University. @IrinaTisacova

Mads Kæmsgaard Eberholst

Mads Kæmsgaard Eberholst is a Danish journalist and teaching associate professor at Roskilde University in Denmark at department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies (CBIT). Fields of research include social media, new media and data journalism.

Portrait of Salua Nassabay

Salua Nassabay

Dr. Salua Nassabay was born in Colombia and graduated in 2001 as an electronic engineer at the University San Buenaventura. She received a doctorate in computer science at the University of Granada, Spain. In 2013, Salua completed her Masters in…

Portrait of Andrea Sanhueza

Andrea Sanhueza

Andrea Sanhueza ha trabajado más de 25 años en temas de democracia, transparencia, acceso a la información y participación ciudadana a nivel global, regional y local. Es consultora para el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Instituto Latinoamericano para…

Portrait of Gjergji Vurmo

Gjergji Vurmo

Gjergji Vurmo is a Programme Director at the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM), an Albanian non-governmental think tank based in Tirana. He holds a BA Law degree from St. Cyril and Methodius University in Macedonia and a Master’s degree…

Artak Kyurumyan

Artak Kyurumyan is an independent researcher with experience in public policy and administration.He has worked for the Ministry of Finance, Government of Armenia. He got his Masters in Engineering from the American University, Armenia (1995),and an MBA from Tulane University…

Open Government Partnership