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Tom Blanton

Tom Blanton is the Executive Director of the National Security Archive at the George Washington University. He served as a civil society member of the OGP Steering Committee from 2011-2013.

Obelisk of Buenos Aires

Judicial Transparency

This team was selected to be a part of the 2020-2021 Leaders Network. Learn more about the program here. The Buenos Aires Council of Magistrates and the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) has launched the Open Justice and…

Kaduna, Nigeria

Citizen Feedback App

This team was selected to be a part of the 2020-2021 Leaders Network. Learn more about the program here. The Department of Monitoring and Evaluation in the Planning and Budget Commission of Kaduna State and FollowTaxes are working on a…

New Zealand

Algorithm Transparency

This team was selected to be a part of the 2020-2021 Leaders Network. Learn more about the program here. Stats NZ and Transparency International New Zealand are working to increase the transparency and accountability of how the government uses algorithms,…

Mexican flags in the street

Public Care Services and Gender

This team was selected to be a part of the 2020-2021 Leaders Network. Learn more about the program here. National Institute for Women (INMUJERES) is working with the Simone de Beauvoir Leadership Institute to design a national policy to strengthen…


Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is Chair of the Board of Gavi, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation. Since its creation in 2000, Gavi has immunised 580 million children globally and saved 8 million lives. She is also Senior Adviser at…

Foto perfil Michelle V (1)

Michelle Volpin

Michelle Volpin works as Citizenry & Government Institutions Coordinator for Directorio Legislativo, an independent, non-profit organization working to strengthen democracy and make law- and policy-making in Latin America more transparent, representative and participatory. She works coordinating, designing and implementing projects…


Victoria Welborn

Victoria Welborn is a Program Manager at the National Democratic Institute where she works on global topics that land at the intersection of open government and civic technology. Victoria spends most of her days trying to find creative ways to…


Emilie Lemieux

Emilie Lemieux is responsible for ParlAmericas' Open Parliament and Sustainable Development programming, which supports parliaments from the Americas and the Caribbean dedicated to increasing transparency and access to information, accountability, public participation and ethical standards in their institutions, as well…


Nikhil Dutta

Nikhil Dutta is a Legal Advisor on Global Programs at ICNL. He advises on multilateral engagement, including through United Nations processes and activities under the Open Government Partnership, and conducts research on issues of global scope affecting the legal environment…

Open Government Partnership