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Portrait of Eleanor Morgan

Eleanor Morgan

Eleanor Morgan is Communications Manager for the Construction Sector Transparency (CoST) Initiative, working with governments, industry and civil society worldwide to deliver better value public infrastructure through increased transparency and accountability. Prior to CoST, Eleanor led communications for Euclid Network,…

Portrait of Florencia Guerzovich

Florencia Guerzovich

Florencia Guerzovich is an independent consultant and has worked for The World Bank, Global Integrity, COPASAH, PSAM, The Ford Foundation, among other organizations. She is also a collaborating researcher with Grupo de Pesquisa Politeia - Coprodução do Bem Público: Accountability…

Portrait of Marisa Mac Isaac

Marisa Mac Isaac

Marisa Mac Isaac is the Rule of Law Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Romania. Previously she served as the Rule of Law and Human Rights Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Macedonia and as a Vice Consul at the…

Alvin Mosioma

Alvin Mosioma is the Founder and Director of the Tax Justice Network - Africa, based in Kenya.

Joara Marchezini

Joara Marchezini é Oficial de Projetos de Acesso à Informação com ARTIGO 19: Defendendo liberdade de expressão e informação.

José Clastornik

José Clastornik es el Director de la Agencia de Gobierno Electrónico y Sociedad de la Información de la Presidencia de la República de Uruguay desde su creación; organismo responsable tanto de articular la política digital del país como de liderar…

Portrait of Silvana Fumega

Silvana Fumega

Silvana Fumega is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has just been awarded- after the PhD thesis' submission- a Fellowship from the Institute for the Study of Social Change, (UTAS, Australia). For the past 4 years she has been researching on the intersections…

Portrait of Koen Roovers

Koen Roovers

Koen has over 9 years of experience developing and advocating for European policy proposals. As Advocacy Manager for the Financial Transparency Coalition (FTC) his efforts are aimed at improving corporate ownership transparency as a safeguard against financial crimes, as well…

Portrait of Francis Lasana

Francis Lasana

Francis Lansana is an Accountability Resident with the Accountability Lab in Liberia. Follow the Lab on Twitter @accountlab.

Open Government Partnership