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Tamara Bakuzis

Finance and Control Auditor at the Comptroller General of the Union

Tamara is the Finance and Control Auditor at the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) of Brazil. She graduated in Social Communication and worked as a journalist and press officer before joining the public service. At the CGU, she worked in the implementation and monitoring of the Access to Information Law. She has activey participated in co-creating and monitoring Brazil’s OGP action plans, developed several actions to disseminate and train officials on open government, and has worked in supporting the development of public policies aimed at social control. She is currently working in the area responsible for the development of public policies to prevent Conflict of Interest.

Authored Content


Brazil Invests in Open Government to Tackle Environmental Challenges

Investing again in the potential of open government, Brazil has committed to a number of actions to tackle environmental issues through its latest OGP action plan.

Open Government Partnership