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Anti-Corruption Institutions

Corruption harms everyone by taking tax dollars from needed public services and projects. OGP lead in innovating new solutions and ensuring compliance with international norms.

Introduction and Overview

Corrupt practices affect millions of people worldwide, as tax dollars meant for vital public goods and services disappear. Studies have shown that low-income individuals and families are ultimately most negatively impacted.

Combating corruption is fundamental to the OGP platform. Left unchecked, corruption erodes citizens’ trust in their government and its ability to serve their interests.

OGP countries have used their action plans to drive anti-corruption results in two promising areas: open contracting and disclosure of beneficial ownership of companies.


Recent Content


OGP at the International Anti-Corruption Conference 2024

OGP will be participating in side events alongside partners to discuss the importance of collaboration between government, and civil society organizations to fight and prevent corruption through open government.

European Parliament 2024

We Must Protect Our Democracies Before It Is Too Late

In this pivotal moment, our response will shape the future of democratic resilience and security. It's time to clean our own houses and strengthen our democracies, reinforcing the global fight against kleptocracy and corruption. The urgency of these reforms cannot be overstated. We must act now, before it is too late.

muriel poisson_1

Faces of Open Government: Muriel Poisson

Meet Muriel Poisson from UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP). Muriel has been at the forefront of research and initiatives that explore the vital links between open government practices and transparency within the educational system and on this International Day of Education, she shares her insights into the intersection between education and open government. 


Bringing the French Cour des Comptes Closer to Citizens

In its 2021-2023 OGP action plan, the French government committed the Cour des Comptes (Court of Accounts) to further mobilize citizen expertise in the service of the Court's missions. In the French system, the Cour des Comptes ensures transparency in…

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