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Inclusion is fundamental to achieving more equitable, representative, and accountable policies. Open government is one important avenue towards broadening the base of participation in policymaking and ensuring policies reflect the considerations of those most impacted.

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Inclusion is fundamental to achieving more equitable, representative, and accountable governance. Despite the progress the world has seen over the past 30 years, communities everywhere struggle with systemic inequalities and deeply-rooted systems of discrimination, including economic, political, social, and cultural beliefs, norms, and laws.

In order for governments to be truly open and representative, they must serve all people – including those who may have specific policy needs; experience physical, intellectual, or social vulnerabilities; or lack political access or influence. Open government is one important avenue to broaden the base of diverse participation in policymaking, and ensuring policies reflect the needs, priorities, and input of those who use them.

Since 2011, OGP members have made over 400 commitments related to the inclusion of historically under-represented communities in open government efforts. While inclusion commitments have addressed a range of underrepresented or vulnerable groups’ needs, certain groups have been more consistently included in commitments across OGP. Commitment communities include those who identify as women and girls, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, youth, people with disabilities, and more country or regionally-specific communities. Commitments range from expanding access to sexual and reproductive health care, targeted employment or education services, inclusive participatory budgeting or access to procurement to increasing leadership and representation in decision-making bodies.


  • Participate in system assessments to protect the rights of the under-represented. Prior to finalizing their action plan, Canada conducted a GBA+ review of all draft commitments to ensure the full plan took into consideration the needs of all equity-seeking groups.
  • Ensure OGP processes are more inclusive by inviting under-represented communities and civil society groups working on equality and human rights to the table. Through OGP, Costa Rica worked to include the voices of reformers and indigenous leaders by presenting information in local languages and requiring all government agencies to engage in meaningful dialogue. This led to new schools, housing, and healthcare services.
  • Design commitments that advance the priorities of under-represented groups.Austin, United States formed the Equity Action Team (EAT) – a collaboration of 25 city departments and 43 civil society organizations – to discuss, develop, and test a new equity assessment tool designed to incorporate citizen feedback in budget decisions. To better integrate refugees, Germany launched a competition to encourage local governments, the private sector, and citizens to build public understanding and trust.


At the core of OGP is the belief that governments should serve citizens, not themselves. To truly serve all citizens, open government reformers must recognize that people are not all equally affected by policy choices. Open government reformers are joining forces with gender and inclusion advocates across the Partnership to better recognize and respond to the lived realities of women, girls, and those across the gender and sexual-identity spectrum.


Open government is an underutilized resource to support the rights, civil liberties, and policy needs of the LGBTQIA+ community. OGP members have made more than 20 commitments explicitly referencing the rights or participation of the LGBTQIA+ community, with one-quarter of members in the Americas making at least one commitment in this area.

People with Disabilities

Open government is one important avenue towards broadening the base of participation in policymaking and ensuring policies fully reflect the diversity of priorities and experiences of people with disabilities. OGP commitments tend to focus on improving the accessibility of government language and services, along with opportunities for participation in government decision-making.


Young people are the future leaders of open, transparent, and participatory government reforms. Over 40 percent of OGP members today are currently implementing a youth-related commitment, focusing on areas such as increasing youth participation in government decision-making, employment, and improving education systems.


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