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People with Disabilities

Open government is one important avenue towards broadening the base of participation in policymaking and ensuring policies fully reflect the diversity of priorities and experiences of people with disabilities. OGP commitments tend to focus on improving the accessibility of government language and services, along with opportunities for participation in government decision-making.

Photo Credit: Lasha Kuprashvili, Coalition For Independent Living


In order for governments to be truly open and representative, they must serve all people – including those with physical or intellectual differences who may require specific services, experience social vulnerabilities, or lack political access or influence. Open government is one important avenue towards broadening the base of participation in policymaking and ensuring policies fully reflect the diversity of priorities and experiences of people with disabilities.

As of June 2022, one-third of OGP members have an active commitment focused on people with disabilities, compared to only five percent when OGP began. These commitments tend to focus on improving the accessibility of government language and services, along with opportunities for participation in government decision-making.


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