Africa and the Middle East

High-Level Discussion on Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Africa
Join OGP and EITI and leaders from government, civil society, public and private sectors on Wednesday, May 19 for a high-level engagement on advancing beneficial ownership transparency in Africa.
Tunisia Design Report 2018-2020 – For Public Comment
In 2021, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for Tunisia’s third action plan (2018-2020). The report covers the development of the action plan and the design of its commitments. In Tunisia, the IRM’s findings are summarized below:…

Open and Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccine: A Must for Africa
Open and equitable access to vaccines will protect lives, livelihoods and ensure African economies recover quickly, which are the pillars of the global response to COVID-19. To achieve that...
Ghana Implementation Report 2017-2019 – For Public Comment
In 2021, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the implementation report for Ghana's third action plan. The report covers the progress of Ghana's commitment implementation between 2017 and 2019. In Ghana, the IRM researcher Titilope F. Ajay's findings are summarized…
Cabo Verde Design Report 2018-2020
Cabo Verde’s first action plan comes in the context of the country’s recent steps to open government. Through OGP, Cabo Verde committed to further reforms such as the establishment of an open data portal. Future co-creation processes should prioritize equal…