Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari Addresses the OGP Virtual Leaders Summit
Watch Nigerian President Buhari's remarks from the 2020 OGP Virtual Leaders Summit.
Watch Nigerian President Buhari's remarks from the 2020 OGP Virtual Leaders Summit.
Registrar General Alhaji Garba Abubakar from the Government of Nigeria discusses milestones in Nigeria's beneficial ownership transparency work and how Nigeria’s open government journey led to this moment.
En agosto de 2020, el presidente de Nigeria, Mahammud Buhari, respaldó la Ley de empresas y asuntos relacionados (CAMA) de 2020 con el fin de fortalecer la rendición de cuentas y la transparencia corporativa a través de la creación de…
Read how Burkina Faso is working to improve delivery of public services through a complaint recording and processing system. "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.
Lea cómo Burkina Faso está trabajando para mejorar la prestación de servicios públicos a través de un sistema de registro y procesamiento de quejas. Este compromiso aparece en la publicación " Qué hay en los planes de acción de 2019".
Découvrez comment le Burkina Faso travaille pour améliorer la prestation des services publics grâce à un système d'enregistrement et de traitement des plaintes. Cet engagement est présenté dans la publication « Contenu des plans d'action 2019 ».
Read about Sierra Leone's commitment to develop a national access to justice policy and a directorate for community-based justice services. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.
Lea cómo Sierra Leona planea desarrollar una política nacional de acceso a la justicia. Este compromiso aparece en la publicación " Qué hay en los planes de acción de 2019".
Lisez comment la Sierra Leone envisage de développer une politique nationale d'accès à la justice. Cet engagement est présenté dans la publication « Contenu des plans d'action 2019 ».
Read how Nigeria plans to tackle money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorism, and grand corruption by establishing a beneficial ownership register. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.
Lea cómo Nigeria planea abordar el lavado de dinero, el tráfico de drogas, el terrorismo y la corrupción mediante el establecimiento de un registro de beneficiarios reales. Este compromiso aparece en la publicación " Qué hay en los planes de acción de 2019".
Découvrez comment le Nigéria prévoit de lutter contre le blanchiment d'argent, le trafic de drogue, le terrorisme et la corruption en établissant un registre de propriété effective. Cet engagement est présenté dans la publication « Contenu des plans d'action 2019 ».
Liberia’s third action plan aimed to address corruption through more access to information and citizen oversight. The IRM recommends that future co-creation processes include tools and mechanisms to inform the public how their feedback is used, and consultations are more…
Table 1: At a Glance Mid-term End of term Number of Commitments 15 Level of Completion Completed 5 4 Substantial 4 4 Limited 5 7 Not Started 1 0 Number of Commitments with… Clear Relevance to OGP Values 10 10…
Kenya’s second national action plan addressed priority policy areas for reform, such as beneficial ownership, extractives, open contracting, and open budgets. By the end of term, the commitment on beneficial ownership was fully implemented, while the commitments on climate change,…
The Tunisian Second Action Plan faced implementation challenges due to resource constraints and unclear cross-government coordination in some cases. The creation of Authority of Access to Information (AAI) was a key milestone and a major step in improving government practice…
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