Africa and the Middle East
Grasping Opportunities in Kenya: Using OGP to Improve the Operating Environment of CSOs
In early December 2018, the government of Kenya submitted its third national action plan (NAP 3) covering the years 2018-2020 to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) highlighting the priority areas it seeks to improve and ensure better transparency, accountability, and…
Kigoma Final IRM Report 2017 – For Public Comment
In 2018, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published its assessment report for Kigoma's first action plan, prepared by the independent researcher, Deus Valentine in collaboration with the IRM. It covers the full action plan implementation period of January 2017 through…
The OGP Morocco Digital Agenda
La agenda digital de Marruecos
As part of its OGP strategy, Morocco is building new structured and continuous online spaces that allow and promote interaction between the government and citizens. We are betting on ensuring a strong digital presence to allow people to have better access…
Como parte de su estrategia de OGP, Marruecos está desarrollando espacios virtuales estructurados y continuos para promover la interacción entre el gobierno y sus ciudadanos. Le apostamos a asegurar una presencia digital sólida para que las personas puedan tener acceso…
From Plan to Action: The Co-Creation Process in Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis
Del plan a la acción: El proceso de cocreación en la Metrópolis de Sekondi-Takoradi
To sustain the benefits of the OGP initiative under its local pilot program, the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) and its civil society partners prepared its second local action plan, comprised of potentially high impact open government commitments. This action plan…
Para mantener los beneficios de la iniciativa OGP en su programa piloto local, la Asamblea Metropolitana de Sekondi Takoradi (STMA) y la sociedad civil elaboraron su segundo plan de acción local, el cual incluye compromisos de gobierno abierto con impacto…