Africa and the Middle East

2017 Local and municipal elections: a step forward in Jordan’s journey to opening government
On August 15, over 1.3 million people – 31.7 percent of 4.1 million eligible voters in Jordan- cast their ballots for local and municipal elections, as per statistics from the Independent Election Commission (IEC). For the first time, Jordanians voted for mayors…
Debemos seguir impulsando la lucha de Nomboniso Nangu Maqubela: Justicia para todos
By the Global Legal Empowerment Network Team. “El gobierno abierto es una alianza, es la sociedad civil y el gobierno colaborando para beneficiar a los ciudadanos y a las comunidades.” Nomnboniso Nangu Maqubela En abril, la comunidad de gobierno abierto…
We must continue Nomboniso Nangu Maqubela’s fight for justice for all
By the Global Legal Empowerment Network Team “Open government is really about this partnership, about civil society organizations and government working together to collaborate for the benefit of citizens and communities on the ground.” Nomboniso Nangu Maqubela …
Tunisia End-of-Term Report 2014-2016
In early 2017, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the end of term report for Tunisia's first action plan. The report covers the full action plan implementation period of September 2014 through September 2016.Jazem Halioui, an indepdendent researcher, wrote this…