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Africa and the Middle East

Compromiso de OGP Destacado – Liberia

País: Liberia Plan de Acción: 2015-2017 Compromiso: Asegurar la publicación de la información sobre los derechos del uso de suelo comercial En los últimos 25 años, Liberia ha sido devastada por una guerra civil y una epidemia de Ébola que…

Featured Commitment – Liberia

Country: Liberia Action Plan: 2015-2017 Commitment: Ensure that information on commercial land use rights is made publicly available In the past quarter century, Liberia has been ravaged by civil war and an Ebola epidemic, both of which have severely impacted…

OGP #Hack4Water Awards premier at World Water Day Summit

The World Water Day Summit 2017 gave recognition to South African innovators who participated in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) #Hack4Water challenge which was hosted by OGP South Africa in collaboration with Code4SA, The Innovation Hub and the national Department…

open gov gram challenge winner

#OpenGovGram Winner: Public Meeting in Elgeyo Marakwet

This photo was taken in Kapyego Ward, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya, where the county government was holding a public participation meeting on how the ward’s annual development budget should be spent. It was beautiful, sunny, but cold (5°C or 40°F)…

Robust Civil Society Sharpens Natural Resource Governance

      Thousands are gathered in Paris this week for the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit. The meeting takes place as alarming trends impact the transparency movement, threatening progress and underscoring the need for action.   We are…

Open Government Partnership