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Africa and the Middle East

Day One of OGP Africa Meeting 2013

Mombassa-beach1.jpg The following blog originally appeared on OGP Africa. The Open Government Partnership Africa Regional Meeting is currently underway at the Serena Beach Hotel, Mombasa, with representatives from 16 countries in attendance. This is the first OGP Africa Regional Meeting that…

Open Government Partnership Africa Regional Meeting

 The Open Government Partnership Africa Regional Meeting will take place on 29-30 May at the Serena Beach Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya. The theme of the conference is Taking OGP Forward in Africa  The main objectives of the OGP Africa Conference are to: Draw…

Open Government sees Promise after Kenya Elections

After an impressive turnout in Monday’s presidential elections, one thing is clear about Kenya: citizens are energized and ready to participate in shaping the future of their country. Despite concerns of violence, voters in Kenya were undeterred and turned out…

OGP: Progress in South Africa

In South Africa spring is newly sprung, and that energy has been channeled into a comprehensive civil society monitoring plan for the South African Open Government Partnership Commitments. South Africa, as a founding partner, lodged its Action Plan of eight…

Open government: a revolutionary concept in Tunisia

One year and a half ago, concepts like, good governance, openness, rule of law, transparency, accountability, zero-corruption tolerance sounded hollow and hazy words that meant nothing for Tunisian people In his opening speech at the Brasilia 2012 OGP annual conference, Hedi…

Open Government Partnership