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Chile Action Plan Review 2023-2027 – For Public Comment

En 2025, el Mecanismo de Reporte Independiente (IRM, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó la Revisión del Plan de Acción del Plan de Acción 2023-2027 de Chile. El informe proporciona una revisión técnica de las características del plan de acción,…


Faces of Open Government: Diana Nicte Sagastume Paiz

In honor of International Women's Day, Diana Sagastume, Deputy Secretary of the Presidential Secretariat for Women of Guatemala, speaks on the country’s ongoing efforts to address gender-based violence, with a focus on sexual violence and teenage pregnancies.


2025 Community Sessions

The recent shift in US foreign aid priorities is impacting the OGP community, platform, processes, and our collective ongoing efforts to advance open government reforms. Through three initial community sessions, OGP will provide a space for community members to share…

Open Government Partnership