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A thought exercise for Civil Society within the OGP

Open government is about enabling citizens to participate in the decisions that affect their lives, and making government more transparent, responsive and accountable.  The Open Government Partnership has emerged as a leading platform in realizing that ambition, with civil society…

Mexico To Lead Open Government Partnership — Press Release

Global Organization Recognizes Mexico's Leadership on Government Transparency and Digital Democracy For immediate release NEW YORK -- Mexico today assumed the chairmanship of the Open Government Partnership in a ceremony at the United Nations. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was…

Challenges for Open Government implementation in Mexico

Tomorrow Mexico will become lead Co-chair of the Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The concept of Open Government has gained worldwide importance. This concept combines transparency, access to information, and citizen participation principles, policies and actions oriented…

High-Level Event at the UNGA

On September 24th at 4pm EDT there will be an Open Government Partnership High-Level Event hosted by the OGP Co-Chairs on behalf of the OGP Steering Committee.  The event will be held in the United Nations Building in New York and…

La Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto en Honduras

La iniciativa de la Alianza de Gobierno Abierto es única y particular en el universo de los compromisos, estándares y demás iniciativas de transparencia y rendición de cuentas. Lo que la hace única es precisamente el principio de complementariedad y…

Encouraging freedom of information improvements in Brazil

For Brazil, which enacted a Freedom of information (FOI) law in 2011, passive transparency is a relatively new administrative paradigm. The results of a large request-driven FOI audit suggest as much. Yet it is also clear that the federal government,…

Nuevo Gobierno chileno y prioridades OGP

El nivel de cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos por el Gobierno de Chile en su Primer Plan de Acción 2012-2013 es significativo. De un total de 19 compromisos cumplió 15 de ellos. No cabe duda que la administración del Presidente…

Open Government Partnership