IRM Open Government Journeys
In this series, the IRM explores the challenges, major achievements, and the future of open government in some of OGP's longest members to tell that story. Understanding the steps it takes to shift the status quo to more transparent, accountable, and responsive governance holds lessons for all reformers looking to apply open government principles to real-world challenges.
Brazil’s Open Government Journey
As a founding member of OGP, Brazil has long been a leader in open government. In this report, learn how the national government and OGP Local members have advanced open government reform since 2011.
Faces of Open Government: Izabela Moreira Corrêa
Izabela Moreira Corrêa, Secretary for Public Integrity at the Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) reflects on the country’s journey as a global leader in open government and its plans for the future.
Statement from Sanjay Pradhan, CEO of the Open Government Partnership, on Paraguay
Declaración de Sanjay Pradhan, director ejecutivo de Open Government Partnership, en Paraguay
Sanjay Pradhan, CEO of the Open Government Partnership, has raised concerns over Paraguay’s proposed legislation impacting non-profit organizations.
Washington, DC – Como director ejecutivo de la Open Government Partnership (OGP), me preocupan profundamente las aprensiones planteadas por las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en Paraguay sobre el posible impacto de la “Ley de Control, Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas de las Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro” sobre su capacidad de operar libremente y sobre los derechos fundamentales de asociación, expresión y privacidad.