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Guatemala Design Report 2018-2020

El desarrollo del cuarto plan de acción de Guatemala fue liderado por la Mesa Técnica de Gobierno Abierto e incluyó esfuerzos por asegurar una amplia participación ciudadana. La participación de la sociedad civil se vio afectada por diferencias generadas por…

Panama Implementation Report 2017-2019

After implementing three action plans, Panama has improved its participation processes both during the co-creation and during the implementation of its commitments. Civil society participated in the implementation meetings and took a leading role in various commitments. Regarding implementation (and…

Colombia Implementation Report 2017-2019

Colombia had a good performance in the fulfillment of the commitments of the third action plan. Considerable improvements were made in the provision and dissemination of information with the creation of new systems and with the organization of existing information.…

Open Government Partnership