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Poder Ciudadano – OGP Blog Foto 2

Mainstreaming Gender, Diversity and Inclusion in Open Government

The evidence is clear: we know that inequality exists and that it violates the rights of women, the LGBTQIA+ community, people living with disabilities, indigenous peoples and other collectives...

Oficina cocriaçao

Strengthening Citizen Engagement During a Pandemic: A Look at São Paulo, Brazil

Leia em portugues aqui. The greatest lesson that São Paulo will carry from its second open government action plan is that collaboration matters and is an essential tool for effective answers to public challenges. In 2020, social participation during the…

President Joe Biden Swearing in with Jill Biden

Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box: The Biden Imperative

The nation and the world breathed a giant sigh of relief as Joe Biden assumed the Presidency declaring “Democracy has prevailed.” Despite months of disinformation, culminating in the dangerous attempted coup, America weathered attacks on its most sacred foundation: the ballot box. 


Trump’s Pardons and Putin’s Palace Show Why Biden Must Tackle Corruption at Home and Abroad

To save democracy at home, and build a stronger global coalition of democractic allies, the financing for authoritarianism must be made ever harder. Only a strong, diverse coalition of countries and civil society champions, with renewed US engagement, can achieve that goal.

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Faces of Open Government: Juan Manuel Casanueva

Juan Manuel Casanueva shares how reformers in Mexico are addressing the lack of regulation and supervision of government digital surveillance through their OGP action plan.

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Action Plan Against Gender-Based Violence: Participatory Co-Creation in Argentina

Discover how Argentina is mainstreaming gender and diversity issues into the open government agenda through their OGP process and their Action Plan Against Gender-Based Violence.

Open Government Partnership