Announcing the Agenda for the OGP Global Summit 2019
Anunciando la Agenda de la Cumbre Mundial de OGP 2019
Annonce de l’ordre du jour du Sommet mondial PGO 2019
Open Government Partnership thrives in its diversity of actors, perspectives, and approaches to opening governments everywhere. In that spirit, co-creating the agenda for every OGP Global Summit and Regional Meeting to reflect the many priorities of all OGP governments, civil…
La Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés) prospera en su diversidad de actores, perspectivas y enfoques para abrir gobiernos alrededor del mundo. En ese espíritu, la creación conjunta de la agenda de cada Cumbre Global…
Le Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert prospère dans sa diversité d’acteurs, de perspectives et d’approches pour ouvrir les gouvernements partout dans le monde. Dans cet esprit, la co-création de l’ordre du jour de chaque Sommet mondial du PGO et de…
Jalisco Final IRM Report 2017 – For Public Comment
El Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (MRI) publica el Informe Final 2017 para el plan de acción de Jalisco, México. La evaluación cubre el proceso de formulación del plan y su implementación desde el 1 enero al 31 diciembre 2017. El…
Carleton University Student Blog Series: Refueling the Journalism Industry with Open Government Data
Carleton University undergraduate students in Ottawa, Canada, are studying the link between communication and open government. In the class, the students examine how communication can be used to improve governance and to foster a more collaborative relationship between governments and…
Carleton University Student Blog Series: Intersectional Feminism and Open Government
Carleton University undergraduate students in Ottawa, Canada, are studying the link between communication and open government. In the class, the students examine how communication can be used to improve governance and to foster a more collaborative relationship between governments and…
Dominican Republic End-of-Term Report 2016- 2018
En 2019, el Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (MRI) publicó el informe de fin de término para el segundo plan de acción de República Dominicana. Este informe cubre la totalidad del periodo de implementación del plan de acción desde Junio 2016…
Carleton University Student Blog Series: Enabling the Participation of Immigrants
Carleton University undergraduate students in Ottawa, Canada, are studying the link between communication and open government. In the class, the students examine how communication can be used to improve governance and to foster a more collaborative relationship between governments and…
Carleton University Student Blog Series: Engaged Youth? Let’s Talk
Carleton University undergraduate students in Ottawa, Canada, are studying the link between communication and open government. In the class, the students examine how communication can be used to improve governance and to foster a more collaborative relationship between governments and…
Canada End-Term Report 2016-2018
In 2019 the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the end of term report for Canada’s third action plan. The report covers the full action plan implementation period of 1 July 2016 through 30 June 2018. In Canada, the IRM researcher…
El Salvador End-of-Term Report 2016-2018 – For Public Comment
En 2019, el Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (MRI) publicó el informe de fin de término para el segundo plan de acción de El Salvador. Este informe cubre la totalidad del periodo de implementación del plan de acción desde Junio 2016…