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Rostros del Gobierno Abierto: Fabiano Angelico

English version here. ¿Por qué estás interesado en el gobierno abierto? ¿Cómo es que tu experiencia te trajo hasta aquí? Yo vengo de una familia bastante pobre, así que he visto la pobreza muy de cerca, con mis propios ojos.…

Faces of Open Government: Fabiano Angelico

Versión en español aquí. What got you personally involved in open government? What in your background inspired you to work in this field? I come from a quite poor family, so I could see poverty very closely, with my very…

OGP’s Five-Year Anniversary

The Open Government Partnership celebrated its fifth anniversary at a Heads of State and Government High-Level Event on the margins of UNGA71. This event was co-hosted by the current and incoming OGP Co-Chairs and was an opportunity to reflect on…

Open Government Partnership