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End of Commitment Report – Design and implementation of the comprehensive Accountability strategy for the #CartagenaCuenta 2023 citizenship, with a territorial approach, social inclusion and permanent dialogue, with an emphasis on planning and public finances

Overview Name of Evaluator Camilo Ignacio Gonzalez Becerra Email Member Name Cartagena de Indias, Colombia Action Plan Title Plan de acción - Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2022 - 2023 Commitment Design and implementation of the comprehensive Accountability strategy for…

Canada Action Plan Review 2022-2024

The 2022–2024 National Action Plan (NAP) largely carries forward and supplements elements of Canada’s 2018–2021 NAP, introducing commitments in two new policy areas. Despite advancing relatively positive activities and initiatives, the potential for results of most commitments and milestones is…

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Democratic Challenges and Innovations in the Americas

Join us at this virtual event that will bring together the open government community in the Americas to discuss the pressing challenges of democracy in the region and explore the opportunities and innovative approaches that reformers in government and civil…

United States Action Plan Review 2022–2024

The United States fifth national action plan is extensive; addressing a wide range of relevant public policy issues. However, it has overall limited potential to achieve significant change in government practices. Developed primarily through a top-down approach, it largely reflects…


America Abierta

From November 15-18, 2024, Open Americas, or América Abierta, will bring together renowned international meetings focused on transparency, access to information, and open government.

Open Government Partnership