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La Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto en Honduras

La iniciativa de la Alianza de Gobierno Abierto es única y particular en el universo de los compromisos, estándares y demás iniciativas de transparencia y rendición de cuentas. Lo que la hace única es precisamente el principio de complementariedad y…

Encouraging freedom of information improvements in Brazil

For Brazil, which enacted a Freedom of information (FOI) law in 2011, passive transparency is a relatively new administrative paradigm. The results of a large request-driven FOI audit suggest as much. Yet it is also clear that the federal government,…

Nuevo Gobierno chileno y prioridades OGP

El nivel de cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos por el Gobierno de Chile en su Primer Plan de Acción 2012-2013 es significativo. De un total de 19 compromisos cumplió 15 de ellos. No cabe duda que la administración del Presidente…

Comments on the USA IRM Report

The release of the IRM Progress Report for the United States is very timely – but not necessarily for good reasons.  Civil society is, at the moment, pretty much in the dark about the US Plan to be presented in…

IRM releases United States report for public comment

Capitol_Building_3.jpg The Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has launched its eighth progress reports for public comment; this one is on the United States and can be found below. IRM progress reports are carried out by an independent researcher…

Open Government Partnership