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Asia and the Pacific

Featured Commitment: Mongolia

What makes a country stop issuing licenses to mine and drill for resources and oil at the height of a global financial crisis and a commodities boom? In Mongolia, it’s rampant corruption.

Faces of Open Government – Peter Timmins

How did you get involved in open government - what is your personal story about why you joined the movement? I became aware of the Open Government Partnership the day after the inaugural meeting in New York on 20 September…

Hidden ownership – a particular challenge in the oil, mining and gas sectors

 A little over a year ago, the release of the Panama Papers implicated dozens of high-profile individuals with links to the extractive sector. A month before that, in February 2016, Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) member countries had adopted…

Indonesia IRM Report 2014-2015 – Public Comments Section

In 2013, Indonesia released its third National Action Plan. Mohammad Mova Al'Afghani, the IRM researcher, summarized the findings of the mid-term progress report as follows: "The third Indonesian national action plan expanded the scope of activity in a variety of areas.…

Open Government Partnership