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Asia and the Pacific

Langkah Maju Menuju Reformasi Tata Kelola

1280px-Jakarta_Panorama.jpg Laporan IRM OGP Indonesia untuk mendapatkan komentar publik telah diterbitkan. Sebagai negara yang sedang bertumbuh (emerging country), Indonesia menaruh rencana aksi yang cukup ambisius, meski hanya 5 dari action plan yang selesai sesuai kerangka waktu, dengan 7 lainnya sedang…

Step Forward to Governance Reform

1280px-Jakarta_Panorama.jpg Indonesia’s OGP IRM report to obtain public comments has been publishing. As an emerging country, Indonesia drafted a pretty ambitious action plan, although only 5 of 12 actions were completed within the time frame, while the other 7 commitments…

IRM releases Indonesia report for public comment

Jakarta_Skyline_Part_2.jpg The Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has launched its seventh of eight progress reports for public comment; this one is on Indonesia and can be found below. IRM progress reports are carried out by an independent researcher…

IRM releases Philippine report for public comment

Mt.Mayon_tam3rd.jpg The Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has launched its fifth of eight reports; this one is on the Philippines and can be found below. IRM progress reports are carried out by an independent researcher under the guidance of…

OGP Civil Society Newsletter – 27 September

When asked what makes the Open Government Partnership model different I always mention three elements: the guaranteed seat at the table for civil society; the concrete, ambitious commitments made; and the independent monitoring of the process and promises. Two years…

Open Government Partnership