¡Contribuye a la co-creación de la agenda de la Cumbre Global de OGP de 2016 de París!
Want to read this blog in English? Francia será el anfitrión de la siguiente Cumbre Global de París del 7 al 9 de diciembre de 2016. La cumbre de este año es particularmente importante, pues se llevará a cabo poco…
Contribute to the co-creation of the 2016 Paris OGP Global Summit agenda!
France will host the next OGP Global Summit in Paris on December 7 - 9, 2016. This year’s summit is particularly meaningful, as it will take place shortly after the 5th anniversary of the founding of OGP. It will be…
Open Government in Greece: Participate, Propose and Be Heard!
The involvement and collaboration of governmental bodies, citizens and other stakeholders in order to promote open data and open government initiatives have been one of the achievements of the event “Open Government: Participate, Propose and Be Heard! Conformation of the…