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The Ambition of Open Government Partnership

This post originally appeared on Martin Tisne's blog Open Up and has been republished with permission from the author. Coming back from two weeks on the road for OGP events, I’ve been struck by a few important developments within the…

A new dawn for open government in Italy?

The last couple of months have been quite an interesting time for those advocating for open government in Italy. The Italian government officially began participating in OGP in September 2011 and developed its first two-year action plan in early 2012…

Together for OGP

Macedonia.jpg “Two years ago I was in this alone and now it’s seventy of us” – said the national coordinator for OGP in Macedonia, Irena Bojadzievska, in her opening speech for the second public consultative meeting for the action plan…

2014 Proactive disclosure by Bulgarian institutions

Bulgarian_Parliament_TodorBozhinov_041009.jpg On April 2, 2014, the Access to Information Programme (AIP), a Bulgarian NGO with 18 years of experience in advocacy for access to information, transparent and accountable government, launched the updated 2014 Active Transparency Rating of Bulgarian Institutions. The…

A fresh look at OGP from Ireland

This blog post originally appeared on Salua Nassabay's blog and has been republished with permission from the author.  What is the first thing you do when you intend to execute a new project? You, of course conduct some research. In a…

Open Government with large holes

How open is our administration and governance in Denmark? "Very open," you're probably thinking. But is it so? Do you for example know exactly what your municipality has registered about you? Or do you know how to access the information they have? Can you…

Open Government med store huller

Hvor åben er vores administration og regeringsførelse egentligt i Danmark? ”Meget åben”, tænker du sikkert. Men er den så det? Ved du for eksempel præcist, hvad din kommune har registreret om dig? Eller ved du, hvordan du får adgang til…

Ireland’s OGP Journey

Economists may argue about the precise mechanisms through which the quality of public governance underpins economic prosperity but organisations like the OECD and the World Bank have long advocated policies founded on this linkage. Their consistent advice is that greater…

Open Government Partnership