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Scrivere per il blog di Open Government Partnership

Voi siete gli esperti. Allora perché non scrivere per il blog di OGP?  Stiamo cercando articoli tra le 200-400 parole, ma possiamo essere flessibili. Non vi chiediamo di scrive specificamente su l’Open Government Partnership ma un minimo, scrivete su un…

The Ambition of Open Government Partnership

This post originally appeared on Martin Tisne's blog Open Up and has been republished with permission from the author. Coming back from two weeks on the road for OGP events, I’ve been struck by a few important developments within the…

A new dawn for open government in Italy?

The last couple of months have been quite an interesting time for those advocating for open government in Italy. The Italian government officially began participating in OGP in September 2011 and developed its first two-year action plan in early 2012…

Open Government Partnership