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Albania Results Report 2020-2022

Albania’s fifth action plan resulted in integrity plans at line ministries and a beneficial ownership register. Engagement between government and civil society was limited during co-creation and implementation. However, the creation of an OGP multistakeholder forum places Albania in a…


Faces of Open Government: Kai Klandorf

Meet Kai, the Executive Director of the Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations (NENO). Kai was a prominent voice at the 2023 OGP Global Summit in September 2023 and in this month’s Faces of Open Gov, she shares her views on…

Bosnia and Herzegovina Action Plan Review 2022–2024

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s second action plan contains three promising commitments on developing an open data portal, publishing public procurement data, and enhancing the transparency of government funding for media and civil society. However, political crises adversely affected adoption of the…

Albania Results Report 2020-2022 – For Public Comment

In 2023, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Results Report for the Albania's 2020-2022 action plan. The report reviews the level of completion and early open government results for commitments in the action plan. The report is available in…

Open Government Partnership