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Estonia Results Report 2020-2022

Estonia’s fifth Open Government Partnership (OGP) action plan saw strong results in lobbying transparency, and in participation in central and local government. The commitments with the strongest results had both active leaders among public officials and committed partners or networks…

Serbia Results Report 2020-2022 – For Public Comment

In 2023, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Results Report for Serbia's 2020-2022 action plan. The report reviews the level of completion and early open government results for commitments in the action plan. The report is available in English…

Sweden Results Report 2019-2022

Only one of the four commitments from Sweden’s action plan saw early results from publishing open datasets. There was very limited engagement between government and civil society to oversee development and progress of the action plan. Greater political leadership in…

Norway Results Report 2019-2022

Norway’s fourth Open Government Partnership (OGP) Action Plan (2019–2022) contained 10 commitments, including digital public procurement, prevention of corruption, and beneficial ownership transparency. Most commitments saw only limited completion. Completed commitments included initiatives that existed outside the OGP framework. Key…


Faces of Open Government: Isabel Moya Pérez

Isabel Moya Pérez is the Deputy Director General of Open Government of Spain and shares what her country did during their own OGW and how the new OGP strategy can help foster more open and accountable democracies.

Estonia Results Report 2020-2022 – For Public Comment

In 2023, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Results Report for Estonia's 2020-2022 action plan. The report reviews the level of completion and early open government results for commitments in the action plan. The report is available in English…

Open Government Partnership