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Denmark Design Report 2019-2021

Denmark’s fourth action plan continues to mainly focus on fostering public trust and transparency through open data. Notable commitments include creating a database with information on workplace safety and the introduction of whistleblower protection schemes with in the sphere of…

Germany Design Report 2019-2021

Germany’s second action plan continues to focus on open data and civic participation in decision-making processes. Notable commitments include improving the openness of German foreign policy, expanding public participation in rule-making, and strengthening data sovereignty in North Rhine-Westphalia. Germany’s next…

Norway Design Report 2019-2021

Norway’s fourth action plan focuses on the openness of public administration, open data, and anti-corruption. Notably, the action plan continues a commitment to establish a public register of ultimate beneficial owners of Norwegian companies. In future action plans, Norway could…

Finland Design Report 2019-2023

Finland’s fourth action plan focuses on promoting sustainable open government practices, lobbying transparency, and open data. The government involved a more diverse group of participants in the action plan co-creation and shared the agenda-setting power with civil society. At the…

Open Government Partnership