Norway End-of-Term Report 2016-2018
In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the end of term report for Norway's third action plan. The report covers the full action plan implementation period from July 2016 through August 2018. The report's findings are summarized below: The…
Lessons Learned: Co-Creation Developments in Ukraine
Ukraine celebrates over seven years of participation in the Open Government Partnership. During this time, it has adopted four and has implemented three national action plans. Some of these plans have included internationally recognized commitments, such as the e-procurement system…
Serbia End-of-Term Report 2016–2018
In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the End-of-Term report for Serbia's third action plan. The report covers the second year of implementation from October 2017 through September 2018. In Serbia, the IRM researchers Milena Lazarevic and Dragana Bajic's report findings are summarized…
Marcando la diferencia a través de la inclusión, los ODS y el gobierno abierto
Nuevas características del plan de acción de OGP de Ucrania Según el más reciente informe de Freedom House, World Report, Ucrania es considerada una democracia parcialmente libre. Aunque el nivel de confianza de los ciudadanos en las instituciones de…
Making a Difference through Inclusion, SDGs, and Open Government
Marcando la diferencia a través de la inclusión, los ODS y el gobierno abierto
Read how Ukraine aligned their 2018-2020 OGP action plan with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Nuevas características del plan de acción de OGP de Ucrania Según el más reciente informe de Freedom House, World Report, Ucrania es considerada una democracia parcialmente libre. Aunque el nivel de confianza de los ciudadanos en las instituciones de gobierno…
Sweden End-of-Term Report 2016-2018
In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the end of term report for third’s action plan. The report covers the full action plan implementation period of December 2016 through 30 June 2018. In Sweden, the IRM researcher Alina Östling's…