Update on the Open Government Partnership in Spain: More political will on participation, but legal battles for information are still underway!
February has been a month in which numerous high level political figures in Spain have been found guilty and sent to jail on corruption charges, including King Felipe VI’s own brother-in-law sentenced to six years in prison (more info in…
Going Beyond Open Data to Address Public Integrity and Fight Corruption
Corruption is the root of global threats, as it causes underdevelopment and damages the environment, it also nourishes public distrust and political extremism. Every year, 2 trillion dollars is paid in bribes. Over 2.6 trillion dollars representing around 3% of…
The Effort to Start Open Government at a Local Level in Italy
Since being established in 2009, the open government movement has been embedded into national level governance around the world. Nonetheless a real open government environment can only be reached when open government principles are applied at the local level. During…
Compromiso de OGP Destacado – Letonia
País: Letonia Plan de acción: 2015-17 Compromiso 6: Establecer un modelo sustentable de financiamiento de organizaciones no gubernamentales Durante la reciente Cumbre de OGP en París, el término “espacio cívico” fue muy utilizado. Sin embargo, analizando los planes de acción…
Rostros del gobierno abierto: Gordana Dimitrovska, Coordinadora Nacional de Gobierno Abierto, Macedonia
¿Por qué estás interesada en el gobierno abierto? ¿Cómo es que tu experiencia te trajo hasta aquí? Si tuviera que dar una respuesta breve acerca de mi involucramiento con el concepto de gobierno abierto, diría que fue de forma…
Declaración de París – 20 Acciones Colectivas para Acelerar al Gobierno Abierto
La Cumbre Global de París movilizó a la sociedad civil y a los gobiernos para crear productos concretos La cuarta Cumbre Global de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés) se llevó a cabo en…
Featured Commitment – Latvia
Country: Latvia Action Plan: 2015-17 Commitment 6: Establish a sustainable model of funding non-governmental organizations (NGOs) In the recent OGP Summit in Paris, “civic space” was one of the hot buzzwords. Yet, when we look at OGP action plans, we…
Faces of Open Government: Gordana Dimitrovska, National Coordinator for Open Government, Macedonia
How did you get involved in open government? What in your background inspired you to work in this field? If I were to provide a short answer regarding my involvement in the open government concept, then it would be “simple…