London 2013 OGP Global Summit
Please note that this page is no longer being maintained, and many links may be broken. Files may be found in the event document archive. Open Government Partnership Annual Summit (Overview) Over 1,000 delegates from over 60 countries will come…
¿Qué es y qué se entiende por Gobierno Abierto?
Análisis de la percepción e implementación de Gobierno Abierto en el ámbito local español. Investigadores de NovaGob.Lab y el Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid realizaron el primer estudio sobre la percepción e implantación del Gobierno…
Perceptions and Implementation of Open Government in Spanish Local Governments
What it is meant by Open Government and how is it perceived and implemented in Spain? Researchers from NovaGob.Lab and the Department of Political Science of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid sought to answer these questions by conducting a study…