
Memorandum on Parliamentary Engagement

This memorandum aims to provide a coherent framework for parliamentary engagement where it is pursued. Recognizing that different political systems...


2021 IRM Week Infographics

To contribute to reflections on the 10 year anniversary of OGP and leading up to the 7th OGP Global Summit hosted by the Republic of Korea, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is sharing four key learning from recent findings of…

NZ – legislation – Credit – Adobe Stock

A Single Platform for Legislation Provides Easy-Access Legal Information

New Zealand gathers all of its laws into one user-friendly website, improving access to legal information for the public.

Grandstand in the National Council

Parliamentary Engagement in OGP: Learning from the Evidence

This paper aims to inform the Legislative Engagement Policy review and serves as background for consultations with parliaments and partners.


Parliamentary Engagement in OGP: Acting on Evidence, Building on Results

As OGP steps into its second decade, parliaments will be instrumental in delivering on open government ambitions. Translating this potential into results across a growing number of OGP members calls for improved guidance and targeted support...