Thirteen new national action plans are available on the OGP website

During the last six months, most of the countries that joined the Open Government Partnership in April 2012 and in 2014 have been working hard to develop ambitious commitments to foster access to information, civic participation and accountability. To draft…

Civil society leaders: ‘transparency should be about benefits, not sanctions’

This article originally appeared on the Guardian Public Leaders Network: Open Government London 2013 Speaking at the Open Government Partnership summit, delegates say more open governments should lead by example. Heads of civil society organisations have said encouraging openness in…

Eastern Europe and Latin America hit the spotlight in FOIs

This interview was originally published on It is cross-posted here with the kind permission of the author. Countries that had dictators in power until very recently are now prominent when it comes to new Freedom of Information Acts. The UK system trusts…

NASA Launches Second International Space Apps Challenge

In April 2012, NASA led an international collaboration with government agencies and civil society organizations around the world that culminated in a two day technology development event called the International Space Apps Challenge. The goal of the event was to…