Episode 2 – story page

Blowing the Whistle on Corruption in Latvia

In this Voices of Open Government episode, we explore the systems in place to safeguard the identities of government employees, activists, civil society organizers and other individuals who blow the whistle on illicit activities.

Latvia – Whistleblower Protections – Credit – Valsts kanceleja- State Chancellery of Latvia

Protecting Whistleblowers in the Fight Against Corruption

Legal reforms protecting whistleblowers are supported by an effective public awareness campaign to turn the tide on covert corrupt practices in Latvia.

whistleblower protection campaign poster

Ensuring Better Transparency: How Latvia is Working to Protect Whistleblowers

Within the backdrop of creating more open communities, the issue of enlisting regular citizens to speak up and denounce misconduct in the public and private sectors has progressively increased...


Faces of Open Government: Inese Voika

Meet Inese Voika, a Member of the Latvian Parliament and an open government champion in the Baltics.

OGP Leaders Network Cover

Five Government Innovations Recognized for their Work to Open up Government

Five open government reforms from Latvia, Mexico, New Zealand, the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina and the state of Kaduna, Nigeria have been recognized ...