
Five Takeaways from the First OGP Local Assembly Meeting

OGP Local is the fastest-growing community within OGP, highlighting local governments' dedication to embracing open government practices. That is why OGP officially launched the OGP Local Assembly at the OGP Global Summit, bringing together more than 90 local heads of government and civil society leaders to showcase the thriving energy of open government initiatives at the local level.

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Open Government is Essential to Make Localisation a Reality

There has been a welcome debate in recent years about how to shift power, decisions, and resources on economic and social development into the hands of the people closest to the problems that need solving. This shift to localisation includes…

Report IRM

Obstacles and Innovations at the Local Level: Perspectives from Latest IRM Local Report

Quintana Roo, Mexico recently experienced a period of rapid growth, but improvised planning left a trail of social inequality, corruption, and environmental impact. In its first OGP action plan in 2021, Quintana Roo made legal changes to set the stage…


Open government and Québec’s digital government transformation

The open government community is more active than ever in Québec, Canada! This effervescence is the fruit of many years of efforts to establish a legal framework for open government, form partnerships with civil society, and implement appropriate technological solutions.

FOOG Euskadi Hero

Faces of Open Government: Basque Country

Arantza Otaolea from the Bilbao Women's Council and co-president of OGP Euskadi, and Mikel Barturen from Sareen Sarea, an association that groups the networks of entities of the social sector, are participants in OGP Euskadi's civil society forum. In this interview, they share why citizen participation is fundamental to open government.