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Israel Action Plan Review 2023-2025 – For Public Comment

In 2025, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Action Plan Review for Israel’s fourth action plan. The report provides a technical review of the action plan’s characteristics and the strengths and challenges the IRM identifies to inform a stronger…

Chile Action Plan Review 2023-2027 – For Public Comment

En 2025, el Mecanismo de Reporte Independiente (IRM, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó la Revisión del Plan de Acción del Plan de Acción 2023-2027 de Chile. El informe proporciona una revisión técnica de las características del plan de acción,…

Slovak Republic Results Report 2022-2024

The 2022-2024 action plan saw early results in two policy areas, with four out of seven commitments completed. The most successful were the commitments on whistleblower protection and open data policy, driven by strong institutional support and cross-sector collaboration. However,…

Sierra Leone Action Plan Review 2024-2028

Sierra Leone’s fifth national action plan aligns with the government’s five-point agenda. It continues to take on ambitious reforms to open parliament, strengthen anti-corruption measures, and enhance legislative frameworks for extractives sector transparency. Despite a short timeframe, the co-creation process…

Jordan Midterm Review 2021-2025

In December 2021, Jordan submitted a four-year action plan to the Open Government Partnership (OGP). At the midpoint, Jordan took stock of the action plan’s progress and context after two years of implementation. Based on this reflection, Jordan submitted a…

France Results Report 2021-2023

France’s third action plan contained 59 commitments involving more institutions and more thematic areas than any previous action plans. A commitment on accelerating citizen-led initiatives and another on greater involvement of citizens in the government audit work of the Cour…

Open Government Partnership