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Estonia Transitional Results Report 2018-2020

Introduction The Open Government Partnership is a global partnership that brings together government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable. Action plan commitments may build on existing efforts, identify new…

Maricela in RIBCA, Costa Rica

Bridging the Gap to Protect Environmental Rights

OGP can serve as a space to ensure that efforts to enhance information, participation, and accountability translate into concrete outcomes to address the issues that environmental defenders are facing.


A Decade Towards Open Governance: The Latest OGP Results from the Eastern Partnership Countries

Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine - joined OGP in 2011. Though different in many ways, these countries shared a strong incentive to use their participation in OGP to address Soviet legacies of opaque and highly centralized governance.

Open Government Partnership